Location and Office Hours

Ellsworth Office

Pierce County Office Building
Main Level, Room 171

412 W. Kinne St.
PO Box 238
Ellsworth, WI 54011

Monday - Friday
8:00am - 4:30pm
(Closed Holidays)

Phone: 715.273.6755
Fax: 715.273.6854


River Falls Office
1234 S Wasson Lane, Suite A
River Falls, WI 54022

Monday - Friday
8:30am - 4:30pm
(Evening hours available,
call the clinic for details.)
(Closed Holidays)

Phone: 715.425.8003
Fax: 715.425.8221

Staff Contacts

Director/Health Officer
AZ Snyder

Birth to Three
Laurie Casby

Environmental Health
Brian Long - EXT 6557

Reproductive Health-
River Falls
Kelsi Winter
Michelle Klechefski

Brittany Mora - EXT 6568



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Pierce Co. Public Health



Repro Health

Pregnancy and Reproductive Health


Clinical Services

Services are available to both men and women. Nurse Practitioners are available for clinical exams.

  • Physical Exams/Annual Preventative Exams
  • Screening for Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV
  • Screening for Cervical Cancer (pap smear)
  • Testing for Urinary Tract Infections
  • Clinical Breast Exams
  • A sliding-fee payment scale is available based on family size and income.
Please call to schedule an appointment.
Emergency Contraception

Emergency contraception (EC) is taken by women within 120 hours (5 days) after unprotected intercourse. EC should not be used as a primary birth control method, as it does not protect against sexually transmitted infections, it only makes pregnancy less likely to occur.
Brief medical consultation may be required.
A sliding-fee payment scale is available based on family size and income.
Additional Resources:

Family Planning

Wisconsin Family Planning Only Services
Wisconsin women and men seeking Family Planning Services get confidential health care through the Wisconsin Family Planning Only Services.
Birth control methods, supplies, routine health exams, STI/HIV testing, Emergency Contraceptives and pregnancy testing are covered at no cost to you, if enrolled in FPOS.
To apply online, go to : www.access.wi.gov
Clinic staff available to help with enrollment.
For more information visit: https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/forwardhealth/fpos.htm
Family Planning
The Family Planning provides health services to assist women in preventing or achieving pregnancy. All medically accepted methods of birth control available.
These methods include:

  • Birth control pills
  • Depo-Provera (“The shot”)
  • Male and Female condoms
  • Diaphragms (fitting & prescription available)
  • Ortho-Evra ("The patch”)
  • Nuva Ring
  • Natural Family Planning Counseling
  • Implanon

A sliding-fee payment scale is available and is based on family size and income.
Please call to schedule an appointment:  715.425.8003

Pregnancy Testing

Urine pregnancy tests are available with same day results

Optional Urine Chlamydia screening available

Counseling and referral regarding pregnancy options

Pre-conception planning education

Referrals to WIC, PNCC (Prenatal Care Coordination)

Enrollment into BadgerCare Plus (Express Enrollment)

Prenatal Care Coordination

PNCC is a Medicaid benefit that helps pregnant women who are considered high risk for adverse pregnancy outcomes.

Some services provided are:

  • Outreach
  • Physical/emotional assessments
  • Care plan development
  • Ongoing care coordination and monitoring
  • Health education and nutrition counseling
  • Follow-up age-specific education/information and care through Families First Program, which is four visits within the first 6-9 months of baby’s life)

Questions that a care coordinator can help you with:

When should I go to the doctor?
How will I get to the doctor?
What will labor and delivery be like?
Should I breastfeed my baby?
How does this work if I am in a Medicaid HMO?
What other community services are available to me?
What do I need or need to have prepared prior to the birth of the baby?
What does a safe home environment and transportation look like?

Links and Resources
Pierce County Prenatal Care Coordination Brochure
Pregnancy and Immunizations/ Vaccinations
Smoking QuitLine
Wisconsin Department of Health Services- PNCC
Healthy Family resources for Providers and Parents:

Funded in part by:United Way

Wisconsin Well Woman Program

The Wisconsin Well Woman Program (WWWP) is a program that provides screening for breast and cervical cancer. The program will cover a yearly mammogram, pap test, follow-up testing needed for an abnormal pap and/or mammogram. WWWP also provides limited assessment/staging for Multiple Sclerosis. You may be eligible for service at NO COST to you if you are:

  • a Wisconsin resident;
  • a female age 45-64;
  • you do not have health insurance or
  • your insurance does not cover screening exams or
  • you cannot pay your insurance deductible.

Limited breast services are available for women ages 35-44. Please contact Pierce County Reproductive Health at 715-425-8003 to speak with the local county coordinator.
Please visit the WWWP website for program information and income eligibility at: www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/womenshealth/WWWP